Marega is used as a family name or surname in Ivory Coast. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Marega
No. of characters: 6
Origin: Ivory Coast
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Marega

How popular is Marega?

Marega is common in Ivory Coast.

Marega is ranked 48722 on our list.

Marega is quite popular family name mostly used in Brazil while Mauritania is ahead in terms of density. Around 9784 people have been found who wears Marega as their family name. Marega is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
280,667 Canada5
203 Guinea5
671 Mali4
394 The Gambia3
67,494 South Africa3
70,383 Tanzania3
8,593 Slovenia2
65,594 Belgium2
19,810 Croatia1
42,479 Greece1
24,421 Slovakia1
2,505 Congo1
8,181 Botswana1
29,046 Japan1
810,193 Indonesia1
4,942 Libya1
56,169 Mexico1
29,774 Venezuela1
5,916 Mozambique1
83,428 United Arab Emirates1
13,447 Uganda1
53,505 Turkey1
118,015 Netherlands1
30,360 Thailand1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
358,990 United States41
83,908 England38
114,425 Ukraine34
58,491 Australia32
42,407 Sweden22
353,279 Russia19
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
7,779 Uruguay61
Countries with hundreds of Marega:
5,304 Argentina985
11,183 Italy963
607 Mauritania674
4,152 Zimbabwe466
11,492 Kenya392
37,175 France269
23,901 Spain116
Countries with thousands of Marega:
4,649 Brazil3,021
358 Senegal1,439
2,068 Ivory Coast1,169
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Marega Namesakes

  • Moussa Marega, Soccer player
  • Moussa Marega, Soccer player
  • Moussa Marega, Soccer player
  • Moussa Marega, Soccer player

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