Merre is used as a family name or surname in France. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Merre
No. of characters: 5
Origin: France

Lastname Merre is variant form of Dolamore. The termination shows its local origin, though I find no place so designated. Scholars, however, deduces it from Old Norse döll, a woman, and mar, illustrious.

The surname Merre is a variant of Delamere. Of La Mare, in Normandy.

The variation of Delmar. Dweller near the sea.

Lastname Merre is the variation of Demers. One who built dams.

The family name Merre is a variation of Damer. This name, as well as Damory, is said to have been derived from the Norman fief of De la Mer, near the mouth of the Seine.

The variation of Delmar. French De la Mer. "Of the Sea."

How popular is Merre?

Immigrants to US

From Germany

Francois Merre hailed from France. 25 years old embarked for USA from Havre on Consul and arrived on May 16, 1856. Jacob Merre, aged 27, 28 years old Christian Merre, 20 years old Daniel Merre, Wilhelmine Merre, aged 19, are others that migrated to US from Antwerp, Havre and Glasgow & Moville.

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