Mochizuki is used as a family name or surname in Japan. It is 9 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Mochizuki
No. of characters: 9
Origin: Japan
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Mochizuki

How popular is Mochizuki?

Mochizuki is common in Japan.

Mochizuki is ranked 5341 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Mochizukis plummeted by 10.75472 per cent to 473 since 2000 and slipped by 6142 spots and ranked at 45253. The last name was found in around 2 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
81.18 86.98
Others 9.73 7.55
White 6.55 4.15
Hispanic or Latino 2.11 1.32
Mochizuki is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Japan which signifies that it is originated from Japan. Around 102463 people have been found who wears Mochizuki as their family name. Mochizuki is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
6,072 China7
2,720 South Korea3
661,536 Indonesia3
108,034 Italy3
3,014 Taiwan2
1,500,361 India2
118,441 Germany2
40,256 Mexico2
134,667 Zimbabwe1
37,493 Austria1
30,360 Thailand1
123,175 Tanzania1
29,774 Venezuela1
83,428 United Arab Emirates1
53,505 Turkey1
165,773 Belarus1
34,581 Chile1
17,236 Ghana1
9,498 Iceland1
31,207 Ireland1
199,150 Kazakhstan1
2,024 Mongolia1
118,015 Netherlands1
77,122 Sweden1
81,201 Switzerland1
14,373 Jordan1
10,958 Bangladesh1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
155,398 France49
67,388 Australia26
11,685 Singapore24
377,825 Russia17
29,040 Denmark15
29,517 New Zealand12
91,381 Spain12
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
64,420 England54
Countries with hundreds of Mochizuki:
14,687 Brazil906
40,890 United States678
11,173 Peru142
29,611 Canada114
15,665 Malaysia101
Countries with hundred thousands of Mochizuki:
178 Japan100,270
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Mochizuki Namesakes

  • Tomomi Mochizuki, Director
  • Arisa Mochizuki, Soccer player
  • Ayumu Mochizuki, Actor
  • Daichi Mochizuki, Soccer player
  • Etsuko Mochizuki, Film actress
  • Fumio Mochizuki, Actor
  • Susumu Mochizuki, Professional wrestler
  • Hideki Mochizuki, Technician
  • Tomomi Mochizuki, Director
  • Hisayo Mochizuki, Voice actress
  • Setsuko Mochizuki portrayed the central character of N in 1973 0 movie Chijo no higi.
  • In 2016, Lunar Mochizuki played the role of N in family film Harô gubbai.
  • In 1984 0 movie, Baajin nante kowakunai, Mami Mochizuki portrayed Yuki - Megu's Sister.
  • In 2000, Nene Mochizuki characterized the role of N in 0 flick Nôpan hakui: Nureta kafukubu.

Mochizuki Namesakes

  • Tomomi Mochizuki, Director
  • Arisa Mochizuki, Soccer player
  • Ayumu Mochizuki, Actor
  • Daichi Mochizuki, Soccer player
  • Etsuko Mochizuki, Film actress
  • Fumio Mochizuki, Actor
  • Susumu Mochizuki, Professional wrestler
  • Hideki Mochizuki, Technician
  • Tomomi Mochizuki, Director
  • Hisayo Mochizuki, Voice actress
  • Setsuko Mochizuki portrayed the central character of N in 1973 0 movie Chijo no higi.
  • In 2016, Lunar Mochizuki played the role of N in family film Harô gubbai.
  • In 1984 0 movie, Baajin nante kowakunai, Mami Mochizuki portrayed Yuki - Megu's Sister.
  • In 2000, Nene Mochizuki characterized the role of N in 0 flick Nôpan hakui: Nureta kafukubu.

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