Mudgal is used as a family name or surname in India. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Mudgal
No. of characters: 6
Origin: India
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Mudgal

How popular is Mudgal?

Mudgal is common in India.

Mudgal is ranked 49867 on our list.

Mudgal is quite popular family name mostly used in India while Iceland is ahead in terms of density. Around 9534 people have been found who wears Mudgal as their family name. Mudgal is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
212,166 Canada9
5,340 Iceland6
13,220 Thailand6
720,003 Russia4
90,215 Germany3
661,536 Indonesia3
4,881 Oman3
19,452 Malaysia3
18,035 Egypt2
50,640 Switzerland2
54,641 Sweden2
44,018 Poland2
24,766 Scotland2
33,202 Saudi Arabia2
2,057 Isle of Man1
2,505 Congo1
107,212 South Africa1
29,046 Japan1
53,033 Nigeria1
7,895 South Korea1
7,790 Zambia1
18,969 Wales1
277,603 France1
37,493 Austria1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
6,376 Singapore47
28,338 Norway20
92,417 Australia17
Countries with hundreds of Mudgal:
7,471 United Arab Emirates130
34,900 England124
183,294 United States104
Countries with thousands of Mudgal:
5,734 India9,033
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Mudgal Namesakes

  • Shubha Mudgal, Singer
  • Shubha Mudgal, Singer
  • Divya Mudgal, Playback Singer
  • Shubha Mudgal, Singer
  • Madhup Mudgal, Vocalist
  • Madhup Mudgal, Vocalist
  • Madhavi Mudgal, Dancer
  • Shubha Mudgal, Singer
  • Madhavi Mudgal, Dancer
  • Satya Mudgal, Film actor
  • In 2017, Sonal Mudgal characterized the role of Kanu in romance flick Muskurahatein.

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