Naeem is used as a family name or surname in Pakistan. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Naeem
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Pakistan
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Naeem

How popular is Naeem?

Naeem is common in Pakistan.

Naeem is ranked 918 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Naeems grew by 86.47343 per cent to 1158 since 2000 and ranked 22260 after elevating 12243 spots. The last name was found in around 4 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
80.92 72.46
White 9.59 6.6
Others 4.4 14.01
Black 3.89 4.83
Naeem is quite popular family name mostly used in Pakistan while Maldives is ahead in terms of density. Around 570697 people have been found who wears Naeem as their family name. Naeem is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
9,568 Thailand8
6,072 China7
1,373 Sudan6
8,582 Japan6
854 Yemen6
5,340 Iceland6
2,400 Syria5
13,901 Trinidad and Tobago3
6,103 Cyprus2
8,995 Uganda2
2,835 Libya2
82,478 South Africa2
44,018 Poland2
41,879 Turkey2
11,736 Lithuania2
12,172 Ghana2
8,657 Lebanon2
1,151 Brunei2
5,859 Mauritius2
65,594 Belgium2
123,175 Tanzania1
101,414 Kyrgyzstan1
34,581 Chile1
53,033 Nigeria1
2,057 Myanmar1
134,667 Zimbabwe1
235 São Tomé and Príncipe1
8,430 Northern Ireland1
2,057 Isle of Man1
5,467 Haiti1
28,365 Kenya1
7,895 South Korea1
42,479 Greece1
1,421 Saint Lucia1
81,201 Switzerland1
66,560 Philippines1
664 Equatorial Guinea1
32,942 Uzbekistan1
12,741 Ecuador1
7,790 Zambia1
510 East Timor1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
146,725 Indonesia50
20,906 Israel47
8,214 Singapore35
8,504 Ireland33
20,233 Denmark25
153,005 Ukraine22
24,534 New Zealand17
442,509 Russia12
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
67,110 Italy90
9,536 Finland72
3,257 Hong Kong71
5,257 Wales68
37,331 Netherlands58
Countries with hundreds of Naeem:
29,752 United States999
2,883 Sri Lanka848
1,320 Jordan801
13,857 Germany740
493 Kuwait697
12,805 Iran614
916 Oman588
8,575 Canada473
5,912 Malaysia354
435 Bahrain342
873 Qatar272
13,016 Spain267
57,437 France171
6,823 Sweden138
4,429 Scotland131
9,948 Austria131
21,027 Australia119
7,291 Norway105
Countries with thousands of Naeem:
422 Iraq9,495
1,372 Bangladesh8,938
474 Afghanistan6,643
12,221 India3,818
275 United Arab Emirates3,027
4,084 England1,834
24 Maldives1,016
Countries with ten thousands of Naeem:
520 Egypt21,859
267 Saudi Arabia11,620
Countries with hundred thousands of Naeem:
58 Pakistan493,965
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Naeem Namesakes

  • Sardar Mohammad Nadir Naeem, Politician
  • Mohammad Naeem, Cricket Player
  • Abdul Jabbar Naeemi, Politician
  • Hussein Naeem, Soccer player
  • Abdul Jabbar Naeemi, Politician
  • Sardar Mohammad Nadir Naeem, Politician
  • Babar Naeem, Cricket Player
  • Awatef Naeem, Actor
  • Hussein Naeem, Soccer player
  • Mohammad Naeem, Cricket Player

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