Naru is used as a family name or surname in Pakistan. It is 4 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Naru
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Pakistan
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Naru

How popular is Naru?

Naru is common in Pakistan.

Naru is ranked 37786 on our list.

Naru is quite popular family name mostly used in India while Pakistan is ahead in terms of density. Around 13024 people have been found who wears Naru as their family name. Naru is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
5,868 Japan10
98,953 Belarus7
318,252 Ukraine6
101,066 Zimbabwe5
8,438 China5
2,720 South Korea3
138 Solomon Islands3
124,420 Spain3
19,452 Malaysia3
40,256 Mexico2
1,143 French Polynesia2
118,441 Germany2
6,900 Oman2
17,575 Kuwait1
50,549 Georgia1
3,350 Fiji1
90,903 Moldova1
31,584 Peru1
34,581 Chile1
123,175 Tanzania1
49,101 Denmark1
10,190 Bahrain1
120,357 Argentina1
277,603 France1
2,024 Mongolia1
58,885 Poland1
24,176 Qatar1
36,814 Romania1
38,841 Scotland1
4,999 Papua New Guinea1
199,150 Kazakhstan1
8,371 Syria1
31,207 Ireland1
573 Vanuatu1
7,847 Albania1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
37,982 United Arab Emirates23
133,639 Canada18
92,417 Australia17
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
134,428 Russia79
238,326 United States73
60,099 England59
Countries with hundreds of Naru:
14,592 Indonesia825
75,961 Brazil111
Countries with thousands of Naru:
5,491 India9,481
3,255 Pakistan2,263
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Naru Namesakes

  • Jaspinder Narula, Singer
  • Aki Narula, Fashion Designer
  • Hanaharu Naruko, Manga artist
  • Alok Narula, Actor
  • Jaspinder Narula, Singer
  • Jaspinder Narula, Singer
  • Jaspinder Narula, Singer
  • Aki Narula, Fashion Designer
  • Buster Narum, Baseball player
  • Chaitanya K. Narula, Author

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