Nia is used as a family name or surname in Iran. It is 3 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Nia
No. of characters: 3
Origin: Iran
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Nia

How popular is Nia?

Nia is common in Iran.

Nia is ranked 23219 on our list.

Nia is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Iran which signifies that it is originated from Iran. Around 22170 people have been found who wears Nia as their family name. Nia is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
90,215 Germany3
15,956 Venezuela3
32,695 Nigeria3
24,547 Saudi Arabia3
78,945 Argentina3
8,926 Cameroon3
14,054 China3
9,097 Wales3
2,823 Papua New Guinea2
23,344 Austria2
4,689 Maldives2
14,521 Portugal2
34,681 Norway2
65,594 Belgium2
91,784 Netherlands2
10,211 Bulgaria2
24,269 Peru2
31,767 Greece2
1,256 Myanmar2
37,372 Georgia2
7,191 Afghanistan1
5,553 Taiwan1
26,040 Trinidad and Tobago1
53,505 Turkey1
13,972 Sri Lanka1
38,841 Scotland1
9,498 Iceland1
20,172 Hungary1
16,640 Hong Kong1
17,236 Ghana1
3,350 Fiji1
25,721 Egypt1
49,101 Denmark1
19,810 Croatia1
7,314 Bolivia1
8,859 Iraq1
28,365 Kenya1
36,814 Romania1
8,828 Puerto Rico1
58,885 Poland1
66,560 Philippines1
3,214 Niger1
9,926 Ivory Coast1
2,935 Madagascar1
1,572 Macau1
17,575 Kuwait1
846 American Samoa1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
21,712 Sweden44
46,313 Spain43
14,386 New Zealand40
9,620 Singapore30
8,210 Burkina Faso30
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
1,402 Senegal96
67,110 Italy90
40,500 Tanzania85
11,356 United Arab Emirates84
39,259 Canada82
12,039 Colombia70
19,965 Switzerland54
40,132 Australia52
Countries with hundreds of Nia:
2,603 Malaysia986
5,463 Morocco940
31,115 Brazil382
70,648 United States348
19,046 Mexico183
26,770 England177
123,502 India155
66,174 France147
Countries with thousands of Nia:
2,701 Indonesia5,520
4,279 Algeria1,607
Countries with ten thousands of Nia:
1,082 Iran10,850
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Nia Namesakes

  • Abdoul Khadre Niane, Olympic athlete
  • Abdoulaye Niang, Soccer player
  • Abdoulaye Niass, Soccer player
  • Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, Administrator
  • Tufail Niazi, Singer
  • Adama Niane, Soccer player
  • Adama Niane, Actor
  • Aisha Nia, Actress
  • Boroko Alassane Niang, Actor
  • El-Hadji Arona Niang, Soccer player

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