Nordell is used as a family name or surname in Sweden. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Nordell
No. of characters: 7
Origin: Sweden
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Nordell

How popular is Nordell?

Nordell is common in Sweden.

Nordell is ranked 167493 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Nordells plummeted by 4.516129 per cent to 444 since 2000 and slipped by 3998 spots and ranked at 47706. The last name was found in around 2 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 93.02 96.56
Nordell is not so popular last name but still a prevalent surname concentrated mainly in Sweden which may be its originating country too. Around 2179 people have been found who wears Nordell as their family name. Nordell is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
46,707 New Zealand5
49,529 Israel1
30,360 Thailand1
16,228 Bulgaria1
897,276 Russia1
49,101 Denmark1
279,271 Australia1
83,428 United Arab Emirates1
81,201 Switzerland1
172,258 Germany1
66,560 Philippines1
16,640 Hong Kong1
118,015 Netherlands1
29,046 Japan1
47,891 Norway1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
83,908 England38
7,570 Ireland38
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
33,770 Canada98
7,560 Finland97
Countries with hundreds of Nordell:
43,705 United States627
Countries with thousands of Nordell:
821 Sweden1,262
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Nordell Namesakes

  • Jessica Nordell, Writer
  • Anna Nordell, Singer
  • Jessica Nordell, Writer
  • Anna Nordell, Singer
  • Anna Nordell, Singer
  • Anna Nordell, Singer

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