Pul is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, England. It is 3 characters long in length.
Surname is a variant form of Pull. An archaic form of Pool or Poole.
Variant form of Poole. See under Pole - The Poles of Shute, county of Devon, baronets from 1628, claim descent from the Cheshire family of Pole, or Poole, of Poole Hall, and bear the same arms. The first settler in Devon was Arthur Pole, who temp. Richard II married a namesake, the heiress of Pole of Honiton
The oldest family of this name, Poole of Poole, county of Chester, were lords of that estate from an early period. The name was variously written, in the XIV century, Pull, Poole, and and De la Poole.
Pul is the variant form of Vanderpool. Dweller near a pond.
The surname is the variation of Poole. Dweller near the deep place in a river or stream; one who came from Pool, the name of several places in England.
The variant of Poll. Of the pool, fen or marsh.
The Pul is variant form of Vanderpoel. Of the marsh.
Is variation of the Pole. The Poles of Shute, county of Devon, baronets from 1628, claim descent from the Cheshire family of Pole, or Poole, of Poole Hall, and bear the same arms. The first settler in Devon was Arthur Pole, who temp. Richard II married a namesake, the heiress of Pole of Honiton.
How popular is Pul?
Pul is common in India, Indonesia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Netherlands, Russia, Ghana, Papua New Guinea, Ukraine, Poland, Pakistan.
Pul is ranked 53529 on our list.
Pul is quite popular family name mostly used in India however Cambodia lie ahead in terms of density. Around 9541 person has been found who wears Pul as their family name. Pul is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:

Immigrants to US
From Germany
Gustav Pul from Germany aboard the Bavaria from Hamburg & Southampton on September 25, 1863. He is registered to be 5 years old when he arrived in USA. 19 years old Elisabeth Pul, Anton Pul, aged 23, are other Pul that migrated to US.