Pun is used as a family name or surname in Myanmar. It is 3 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Pun
No. of characters: 3
Origin: Myanmar
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Pun

How popular is Pun?

Pun is common in Myanmar.

Pun is ranked 5527 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Puns grew by 39.02439 per cent to 1197 since 2000 and ranked 21736 after elevating 4878 spots. The last name was found in around 4 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
87.13 85.13
Hispanic or Latino 4.68 4.18
Others 2.84 3.83
Black 2.67 4.41
Pun is quite popular family name mostly used in Nepal while Macau is ahead in terms of density. Around 99230 people have been found who wears Pun as their family name. Pun is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
1,031 South Korea8
7,113 Costa Rica5
46,068 Philippines3
4,384 Northern Ireland3
9,097 Wales3
5,859 Mauritius2
5,318 Iraq2
1,753 Cuba2
139,444 Brazil2
26,532 Chile2
7,299 Estonia2
21,929 Algeria2
7,198 Maldives1
90,903 Moldova1
53,033 Nigeria1
26,040 Trinidad and Tobago1
7,847 Albania1
1,176 Antigua and Barbuda1
10,958 Bangladesh1
6,212 Jamaica1
107,212 South Africa1
165,773 Belarus1
2,374 Bermuda1
24,771 Colombia1
48,575 Azerbaijan1
14,373 Jordan1
153,416 Italy1
17,768 Pakistan1
49,529 Israel1
4,999 Papua New Guinea1
38,830 Morocco1
21,562 Portugal1
31,207 Ireland1
971 Seychelles1
5,589 Sudan1
17,236 Ghana1
2,715 Gabon1
25,746 Finland1
199,150 Kazakhstan1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
3,004 Bahrain49
42,791 Spain49
33,012 Belgium45
23,443 Norway26
22,809 New Zealand19
2,340 Iceland16
4,106 Japan16
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
414 Brunei99
4,262 Kuwait87
28,801 Netherlands84
129,319 Russia83
701 China78
7,449 Scotland66
19,965 Switzerland54
Countries with hundreds of Pun:
3,461 Peru883
6,958 Canada606
5,928 Saudi Arabia577
735 Taiwan521
249 Thailand432
7,479 Australia384
1,421 Singapore302
873 Qatar272
38,477 Germany269
37,010 Indonesia268
2,286 Oman217
5,127 United Arab Emirates191
57,437 France171
23,602 Mexico131
40,309 Ukraine129
2,754 Panama114
Countries with thousands of Pun:
102 Hong Kong8,031
13,752 India3,302
1,184 Afghanistan2,531
41 Macau2,200
1,385 Malaysia2,150
899 Cambodia1,954
4,806 England1,533
21,498 United States1,477
1,404 Vietnam1,391
Countries with ten thousands of Pun:
79 Nepal57,752
323 Myanmar10,608
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Immigrants to US

From Ireland

Immigrant John Pun from Great Britain aboard the Iowa from Liverpool during the Irish famine. He is registered to be 28 years old when he arrived in USA on June 25, 1851.

Pun Namesakes

  • P. L. Punia, Politician
  • Pavitra Punia, Model
  • Abhay Puniani, Actor
  • Adrià Puntí, Musician
  • Pandurang Pundalik Fundkar, Legislator
  • Akosua Puni Essien, Michael Essien's wife
  • Alekhya Punjala, Dancer
  • Alice Pung, Writer
  • Alka Punewar, Actor
  • Ameira Punvani, Costume designer
  • Deeya Pun, from 2018 drama, romance movie Mr. Jholay, who portrayed the Sanu Maya.

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