Saber is used as a family name or surname in Egypt. It is 5 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Saber
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Egypt
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Saber
How popular is Saber?
Saber is common in Egypt.
Saber is ranked 1379 on our list.
As per 2010 US census, number of Sabers grew by 10.31042 per cent to 995 since 2000 and ranked 24982 after elevating 691 spots. The last name was found in around 3 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.
Race | 2010 | 2000 |
White | 86.03 | 84.04 |
Asian and Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander | 5.33 | 4.55 |
Others | 4.32 | 7.54 |
Hispanic or Latino | 3.02 | 2.88 |
Black | 1.31 | 1 |
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
4,296 China10
33,253 New Zealand9
28,661 Serbia8
7,022 Senegal7
5,340 Iceland6
122,390 Belarus4
15,956 Venezuela3
32,695 Nigeria3
14,078 Japan3
9,077 Lithuania3
26,321 Israel3
89,020 Tanzania2
18,718 Thailand2
10,211 Bulgaria2
9,185 Hong Kong2
11,224 Cameroon2
54,135 Philippines2
20,172 Hungary1
1,572 Macau1
31,584 Peru1
10,683 Cyprus1
1,819 Laos1
3,275 Nepal1
16,073 Latvia1
3,307 Malta1
26,040 Trinidad and Tobago1
8,268 Mauritius1
58,885 Poland1
9,591 Panama1
7,847 Albania1
11,831 Tajikistan1
880 Djibouti1
32,942 Uzbekistan1
31,207 Ireland1
3,586 Honduras1
18,969 Wales1
7,941 Guatemala1
2,613 The Bahamas1
48,575 Azerbaijan1
12,741 Ecuador1
15,162 Costa Rica1
50,549 Georgia1
746 Dominica1
101,414 Kyrgyzstan1
7,198 Maldives1
7,292 Vietnam1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
11,510 Denmark49
12,953 Finland48
6,376 Singapore47
114,425 Ukraine34
208,169 Indonesia32
70,042 Kazakhstan29
62,664 Czech Republic14
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
11,610 Switzerland99
3,301 Mauritania92
3,193 Estonia77
6,029 Portugal74
11,471 Norway66
8,843 Scotland53
Countries with hundreds of Saber:
293 Qatar632
961 Oman557
11,968 England511
13,009 Argentina418
16,034 South Africa384
10,428 Spain354
12,231 Canada314
18,911 Turkey314
6,650 Malaysia304
14,944 Mexico262
36,798 Italy235
4,278 Sweden225
856 Bahrain183
8,140 Austria157
18,629 Netherlands146
87,828 Russia139
13,523 Belgium134
19,124 Australia134
15,938 Greece123
9,561 Colombia105
Countries with thousands of Saber:
1,736 Pakistan5,909
13,912 India3,262
200 Libya2,868
1,727 Syria2,058
380 Lebanon2,049
4,413 France1,849
18,838 United States1,721
8,092 Brazil1,717
612 United Arab Emirates1,613
842 Jordan1,233
8,242 Germany1,177
248 Kuwait1,167
Countries with ten thousands of Saber:
306 Iran34,698
159 Iraq25,066
97 Morocco22,419
215 Algeria18,208
920 Bangladesh15,469
224 Saudi Arabia13,583
243 Afghanistan12,971
375 Sudan11,856
306 Yemen11,194
142 Tunisia10,039
Countries with hundred thousands of Saber:
65 Egypt179,265
Show Full Last Name Distribution
Nicholle Plumley
Saber Namesakes
- Abdelilah Saber, Soccer player
- Abdelilah Saber, Soccer player
- Hatem Saber, Military officer
- Moinul Ahsan Saber, Fiction writer
- Akiko Saberi, Roxana Saberi's mother
- Alaa Hussein Saber, Musical Artist
- Amin Saberi, Professor
- Ashraf Saber, Olympic athlete
- Rolf Heinrich Sabersky, Professor
- Bret Saberhagen, Baseball pitcher
Abdelilah Saber, former Moroccan footballer, who served as a defender
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You might not know the meaning of Saber surname. We have collected informaton regarding the meaning and origin of Saber and displayed for better understanding of surnames. Discover how Saber is originated?