Sive is used as a family name or surname in Mozambique. It is 4 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Sive
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Mozambique
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Sive

How popular is Sive?

Sive is common in Mozambique.

Sive is ranked 83258 on our list.

Sive is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Mozambique which signifies that it is originated from Mozambique. Around 5237 people have been found who wears Sive as their family name. Sive is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
440,449 Indonesia10
244,758 Ukraine10
122,390 Belarus4
139,444 Brazil2
261 Solomon Islands2
31,584 Peru1
53,505 Turkey1
24,460 Armenia1
11,831 Tajikistan1
1,179 Swaziland1
8,500 Dominican Republic1
25,746 Finland1
172,258 Germany1
31,207 Ireland1
153,416 Italy1
29,046 Japan1
199,150 Kazakhstan1
118,015 Netherlands1
21,562 Portugal1
11,923 Slovenia1
7,895 South Korea1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
205,048 Russia43
75,259 Australia22
493,558 India15
29,517 New Zealand12
189,966 Canada11
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
11,321 Israel94
133,875 France61
64,420 England54
Countries with hundreds of Sive:
19,321 South Africa310
187,350 United States101
Countries with thousands of Sive:
812 Mozambique4,470
Show Full Last Name Distribution


Micki Petree
Sive is a nickname that is a derivative of civet stew is a nickname the origin of this name is French etymology comes from chive: the onion culinary preparation with onions.

Sive Namesakes

  • Antoni Sivera, Soccer player
  • James Glen Sivewright Gibson, Architect
  • Pete Sivess, Baseball player
  • Dennis Siver, Mixed martial artist
  • Frank Sivero, Character actor
  • Dennis Siver, Mixed martial artist
  • Edward Sivewright, Cricket Player
  • Efrain Siverio, Manny Siverio's father
  • Jamie Sives, Actor
  • Laurie Sivell, Soccer player

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