Tabak is used as a family name or surname in Turkey. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Tabak
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Turkey
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Tabak

How popular is Tabak?

Tabak is common in Turkey.

Tabak is ranked 20355 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Tabaks plummeted by 0.4085802 per cent to 975 since 2000 and slipped by 1344 spots and ranked at 25381. The last name was found in around 3 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 95.79 95.91
Hispanic or Latino 2.56 2.15
Others 0.82 1.33
Tabak is quite popular family name mostly used in Turkey while Bosnia is ahead in terms of density. Around 25498 people have been found who wears Tabak as their family name. Tabak is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
464,493 Indonesia9
6,774 Slovenia3
4,333 Puerto Rico3
40,256 Mexico2
5,298 Botswana2
18,035 Egypt2
6,103 Cyprus2
21,929 Algeria2
23,858 Iran2
5,817 Albania2
34,681 Norway2
11,736 Lithuania2
37,372 Georgia2
33,202 Saudi Arabia2
549 Seychelles2
1,879 Belize1
717 Bhutan1
30,360 Thailand1
16,228 Bulgaria1
6,967 Macedonia1
2,024 Mongolia1
4,942 Libya1
42,479 Greece1
11,486 Estonia1
83,428 United Arab Emirates1
2,361 United States Virgin Islands1
32,942 Uzbekistan1
18,969 Wales1
24,460 Armenia1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
16,483 Chile45
62,367 Kazakhstan33
38,322 Czech Republic32
43,662 Belgium30
32,811 Sweden29
338,264 India29
46,018 Belarus22
89,048 Spain13
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
8,718 New Zealand80
31,862 Australia71
9,781 Serbia57
85,668 Italy56
Countries with hundreds of Tabak:
7,078 Poland859
698 Croatia855
1,365 Israel813
18,206 Germany572
30,993 Russia501
13,009 Argentina418
30,072 Brazil397
14,564 Ukraine391
1,377 Moldova372
13,345 Canada284
50,564 France196
7,168 Hungary164
39,125 South Africa128
34,900 England124
8,562 Slovakia124
12,545 Austria105
Countries with thousands of Tabak:
1,727 Syria2,058
1,642 Netherlands1,378
23,205 United States1,345
614 Bosnia1,007
Countries with ten thousands of Tabak:
915 Turkey12,857
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Tabak Namesakes

  • Aleksandra Tabakova, Actress
  • Alexandros Tabakis, Soccer goalkeeper
  • Romana Tabak, Tennis player
  • Romana Tabak, Tennis player
  • Romana Tabak, Tennis player
  • Anton Tabakov, Actor
  • Heidi El Tabakh, Tennis player
  • Asiya Tabakova, Anton Tabakov's wife
  • Benny Tabak, Soccer player
  • Benny Tabak, Soccer player

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