Thain is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Thain
No. of characters: 5
Origin: England
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Thain

How popular is Thain?

Thain is common in England.

Thain is ranked 82153 on our list.

Despite the fact that the number of Thain bearers increased by 3.288201 per cent in 2010 US census to 534 since 2000, the surname slipped by 910 spots and ranked at 40856. The last name was found in around 2 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 87.45 90.14
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
5.06 2.13
Black 2.81 2.51
Hispanic or Latino 2.62 0
Others 1.12 3.09
American Indian and Alaska Native 0.94 0
Thain is quite popular family name mostly used in England while Scotland is ahead in terms of density. Around 5321 people have been found who wears Thain as their family name. Thain is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
527,030 Indonesia7
615,517 Russia6
1,346 Bermuda6
101,066 Zimbabwe5
917 Myanmar3
14,521 Portugal2
3,791 Namibia2
20,595 China2
91,784 Netherlands2
18,718 Thailand2
31,207 Ireland1
153,416 Italy1
6,212 Jamaica1
29,046 Japan1
3,071 Jersey1
172,258 Germany1
2,309 Monaco1
47,891 Norway1
10,683 Cyprus1
8,859 Iraq1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
7,279 Wales45
7,175 Singapore41
319,538 India32
80,054 Spain18
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
117,149 France73
9,649 New Zealand71
Countries with hundreds of Thain:
913 Scotland899
41,339 United States669
8,229 Canada497
4,870 Malaysia455
16,034 South Africa384
10,547 Australia264
64,630 Brazil143
Countries with thousands of Thain:
4,400 England1,683
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Thain Namesakes

  • Caryl Thain, Cricket Player
  • Victoria Thaine, Television actress
  • John Thain, Businessman
  • Caryl Thain, Cricket Player
  • Michael Thain, Author
  • Gary Thain, Musical Artist
  • Alex Thain, John Thain's son
  • Carmen thain, John Thain's wife
  • Victoria Thain, John Thain's daughter
  • Nicole Thain, John Thain's daughter

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