Upadhaya is used as a family name or surname in Nepal. It is 8 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Upadhaya
No. of characters: 8
Origin: Nepal
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Upadhaya
How popular is Upadhaya?
Upadhaya is common in Nepal.
Upadhaya is ranked 11307 on our list.
Upadhaya is quite popular family name mostly used in India while Nepal is ahead in terms of density. Around 47392 people have been found who wears Upadhaya as their family name. Upadhaya is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:RankCountryCount
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
101,066 Zimbabwe5
4,104 South Korea2
18,625 Japan2
33,202 Saudi Arabia2
13,552 Qatar2
34,681 Norway2
36,678 Singapore1
118,015 Netherlands1
53,033 Nigeria1
7,198 Maldives1
810,193 Indonesia1
13,447 Uganda1
971 Seychelles1
10,958 Bangladesh1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
12,953 Finland48
29,383 United Arab Emirates31
80,121 Australia20
156,482 Canada14
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
53,069 England70
268,319 United States62
Countries with ten thousands of Upadhaya:
1,642 India35,852
223 Nepal11,272
Show Full Last Name Distribution
Upadhaya Namesakes
- Ajaya Upadhaya, Film producer
- Saugat Upadhaya, Singer
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You might not know the meaning of Upadhaya surname. We have collected informaton regarding the meaning and origin of Upadhaya and displayed for better understanding of surnames. Discover how Upadhaya is originated?