Arding is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, Scotland. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Arding
No. of characters: 6
Origin: Ireland, Scotland

Lastname is form of the Harding. Descendant of Hardwin or Harding meaning "firm, friend"; the son of Hard meaning "firm".

Surname is a form of Hardung. The son of Hart meaning "strong"; descendant of Hrto, a pet form of names beginning with Hart, as Hardher, Hardmod or Hartnagel.

Arding is a form of Harding. The Hardings—in Aanglo-Saxon Heardingas, in Old Norse Haddingjar - were celebrated as an illustrious and heroic race poses them to have been an Eastlying people of the Danes and Swedes. (Deutsch Myth.) The late Lord Hardinge claimed to be descended from a Danish family settled near Derby. The Domesday forms are Harding, Hardingus, Hardine and Filius Harding. The soft sound given to the G, when the E final is employed, seems to be a modern affectation, quite unworthy of this sturdy old ract.

The lastname Arding is variation of Harting. A parish in Sussex.

How popular is Arding?

Immigrants to US

From Germany

Farmer Heinr. Arding from Oldenburg aboard the Laura from Bremen. He is registered to be 23 years old when he arrived in USA on October 8, 1866.

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