Baban is used as a family name or surname in Iraq. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Baban
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Iraq
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Baban

How popular is Baban?

Baban is common in Iraq.

Baban is ranked 12930 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Babans grew by 33.68421 per cent to 254 since 2000 and ranked 75799 after elevating 14453 spots. The last name was found in around 1 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 76.38 64.21
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
12.6 6.84
Others 5.91 21.58
Black 2.76 6.84
Hispanic or Latino 2.36 0
Baban is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Iraq which signifies that it is originated from Iraq. Around 40833 people have been found who wears Baban as their family name. Baban is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
75,381 Kyrgyzstan4
32,472 Azerbaijan3
7,993 Jordan3
184,212 France3
3,841 Bosnia3
19,452 Malaysia3
34,572 Israel2
19,093 Finland2
2,152 Niger2
34,681 Norway2
18,035 Egypt2
24,766 Scotland2
49,101 Denmark1
37,779 Serbia1
30,360 Thailand1
62,864 New Zealand1
6,033 Benin1
24,176 Qatar1
4,942 Libya1
21,562 Portugal1
24,421 Slovakia1
58,885 Poland1
8,371 Syria1
5,924 Paraguay1
24,460 Armenia1
38,830 Morocco1
2,024 Mongolia1
6,967 Macedonia1
10,190 Bahrain1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
28,564 Switzerland36
32,867 Belarus36
49,393 Netherlands35
11,937 Georgia26
71,084 Czech Republic11
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
11,356 United Arab Emirates84
92,589 Brazil79
31,723 Kazakhstan76
66,582 Argentina60
37,137 Australia58
53,461 Canada57
Countries with hundreds of Baban:
8,092 Turkey978
37,488 India907
4,304 Cameroon793
1,198 Moldova416
8,588 Saudi Arabia385
15,978 Ukraine356
83,017 United States284
38,477 Germany269
55,210 Russia251
46,379 Indonesia203
25,123 England194
42,475 Italy190
20,231 Spain147
6,499 Sweden145
6,015 Croatia136
4,554 Lebanon105
Countries with thousands of Baban:
1,396 Romania1,754
10,039 Philippines1,482
7,608 Iran1,228
Countries with ten thousands of Baban:
131 Iraq30,004
Show Full Last Name Distribution


Tresa Pier
The origin of the name is Germanic etymology of the name comes from the present participle of the former French baber which means one who cede; and by extension loose the name specifies an ancestral feature.

Baban Namesakes

  • Adéla Babanová, Film director
  • Adian Baban, Actor
  • Aisha Babangida, Ibrahim Babangida's daughter
  • Aisha Babangida, Ibrahim Babangida's daughter
  • Ahmad Mukhtar Baban, Politician
  • Ayşe Semiha Baban, Yaşar Kemal's wife
  • Aisha Babangida, Ibrahim Babangida's daughter
  • Ibrahim Babangida, Soccer player
  • Aleksandr Babanov, Soccer player
  • Maria Babanova, Actress

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