Babben is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 6 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Babben
No. of characters: 6
Origin: England
The lastname Babben is variation of Bavent. The lords B., who gave the suffix to Eston-Bavent, county of Suffolk, were a Norman family, and came from a place still so called, four leagues N.E. of Caen.
Babben is a variant of Bavin. A corruption of Bavent - The lords B., who gave the suffix to Eston-Bavent, county of Suffolk, were a Norman family, and came from a place still so called, four leagues N.E. of Caen.
How popular is Babben?
Immigrants to US
From Germany
16 years old farmer U Babben who was residing in Germany migrated to USA on April 18, 1884 by Donau put out from Bremen.
Related Family Names:
- Babadjanian
- Babaian
- Babajanyan (Armenia)
- Baban (Iraq)
- Babaokosen
- Babayan (Armenia)
- Babbin
- Babbington
- Babelyan
- Baben (India)
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