Barbier is used as a family name or surname in France. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Barbier
No. of characters: 7
Origin: France

Variant form of LaBarbera. Descendant of Barbera meaning "the stranger".

How popular is Barbier?

Barbier is common in France, Belgium, United States, Canada, Morocco, Netherlands, Brazil, Switzerland, Egypt, New Caledonia, Argentina, Haiti, South Africa, Spain, Italy, Mexico, England, Germany, Moldova, Seychelles.

Barbier is ranked 10380 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Barbiers plummeted by 4.94 per cent to 1329 since 2000 and slipped by 1801 spots and ranked at 20099. The last name was found in around 4 per million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 84.73 88.63
Black 7.07 5.94
Hispanic or Latino 5.72 3.93
Others 1.35 1
American Indian and Alaska Native 0.68 0
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
0.45 0
Barbier is quite popular family name mostly used in France while Seychelles is ahead in terms of density. Around 54288 people have been found who wears Barbier as their family name. Barbier is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with ten thousands of Barbier:
83 France44,509
Countries with thousands of Barbier:
427 Belgium2,875
16,131 United States2,294
Countries with hundreds of Barbier:
8,712 Canada475
15,801 Morocco375
7,759 Netherlands370
24,252 Brazil326
4,395 Switzerland285
23,402 Egypt244
50 New Caledonia218
17,283 Argentina204
3,425 Haiti179
29,442 South Africa176
16,916 Spain172
47,091 Italy140
12,537 Mexico135
28,433 England133
48,740 Germany132
4,499 Moldova129
201 Seychelles112
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
32,204 Australia68
1,371 Luxembourg67
4,072 Cuba63
7,170 Dominican Republic54
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
4,783 Singapore47
188,390 Russia38
18,273 Peru35
243,257 Thailand34
1,949 French Polynesia31
11,386 Uruguay28
39,193 Austria23
19,125 Chile19
26,068 Croatia18
29,080 Norway18
13,849 Scotland18
2,817 Senegal18
64,682 Czechia15
12,021 Ireland14
52,415 Slovakia13
5,550 Guatemala12
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 6 - 10:
7,955 China9
1,868 Mali9
30,726 Qatar9
1,665 United States Virgin Islands9
39,626 Denmark8
3,584 El Salvador8
668 Monaco7
102,017 Sweden7
863,365 India6
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Immigrants to US

From Italy

A.Maria Barbier from Italy aboard the Utopia from Bari, Fiume, Naples, Palermo & Trieste on September 6, 1889. She is registered to be 37 years old when she arrived in USA.

From Germany

4 years old Francois Barbier who was residing in Baden migrated to Indiana on November 27, 1850 by Holyoke put out from Havre. Jean Barbier, Laborer Jean Barbier, Marianne Barbier, Elisa Barbier (29) Farmer, George Barbier, aged 34, Louis Barbier, aged 10, 5 years old Louisa Barbier, Sophie Barbier (19) Farmer, and 142 other Barbier around 36.84% of whom were farmer while others worked as tailor and merchant, clerk, joiner, butcher, servant, painter, cultivator, dressmaker migrated to US.

Barbier Namesakes

  • Antoine Alexandre Barbier, French librarian and bibliographer
  • Henri Auguste Barbier, French dramatist and poet
  • Louis Barbier, French bishop,
  • Edmond Jean François Barbier, French
  • Daniel Barbier, French astronomer born in Lyon
  • Louis-Marie-Raphaël Barbier, physician and surgeon
  • Charles Barbier, creator of night writing
  • Jules Barbier, French poet

Barbier Namesakes

  • Antoine Alexandre Barbier, French librarian and bibliographer
  • Henri Auguste Barbier, French dramatist and poet
  • Louis Barbier, French bishop,
  • Edmond Jean François Barbier, French
  • Daniel Barbier, French astronomer born in Lyon
  • Louis-Marie-Raphaël Barbier, physician and surgeon
  • Charles Barbier, creator of night writing
  • Jules Barbier, French poet

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