Beek is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, England, Netherlands. It is 4 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Beek
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Ireland, England, Netherlands

A form of the Beke. This family has no connection with that of Becor Beck; nor is it of Norman origin. It was founded in England by the Goisfred de Beche, of Domesday De Beche and De la Beche were the Norman-French modes of writing the Flemish Van der Beke, which was, doubtless, the real name borne by this Godisfred in his native country, where he had a good estate. There can be no doubt that the ch was sounded hard, for in East Kent, where the family acquired the estate of Lyving's Bourne, they altered the prefix to Bekes, and the parish still bears the designation of Beakesbourne, while, in some Kentish re cords, the name is written De la Beke. The barons Beke of Eresby were of this family.
At the present day there are Vander Beekes in Holland, Vander Beckes in Germany, and Del Becques in Belgium and French Flanders. Inf. Č. Beke, Esca.
Beek or Beke is Dutch for brook or rivulet, and therefore etymologically identical with Brook and Beck.

Beek is the variation of Beak. See Beke - This family has no connection with that of Becor Beck; nor is it of Norman origin. It was founded in England by the Goisfred de Beche, of Domesday De Beche and De la Beche were the Norman-French modes of writing the Flemish Van der Beke, which was, doubtless, the real name borne by this Godisfred in his native country, where he had a good estate. There can be no doubt that the ch was sounded hard, for in East Kent, where the family acquired the estate of Lyving's Bourne, they altered the prefix to Bekes, and the parish still bears the designation of Beakesbourne, while, in some Kentish re cords, the name is written De la Beke. The barons Beke of Eresby were of this family.
At the present day there are Vander Beekes in Holland, Vander Beckes in Germany, and Del Becques in Belgium and French Flanders. Inf. Č. Beke, Esca.
Beek or Beke is Dutch for brook or rivulet, and therefore etymologically identical with Brook and Beck.

At the brook.

How popular is Beek?

Beek is common in Netherlands, Germany, United States, Egypt, India, Canada, Australia, Suriname.

Beek is ranked 64662 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Beeks plummeted by 1.05 per cent to 472 since 2000 and slipped by 2590 spots and ranked at 45347. The last name was found in around 2 per million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 86.65 91.82
Black 9.11 4.82
Hispanic or Latino 2.33 1.05
Others 1.48 1.68
Beek is quite popular family name mostly used in Netherlands however Bermuda is ahead in terms of density. Around 7737 people have been found who wears Beek as their family name. Beek is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with thousands of Beek:
455 Netherlands3,717
Countries with hundreds of Beek:
10,532 Germany965
38,411 United States809
10,096 Egypt732
65,079 India415
11,960 Canada329
23,526 Australia105
1,247 Suriname102
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
38,633 England83
20,954 Belgium77
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
176,839 Indonesia41
72,211 South Africa41
176,965 France30
9,235 Estonia27
188,781 Brazil25
4,448 Jamaica25
61,770 Malaysia20
515 Bermuda19
118,579 Argentina16
23,687 United Arab Emirates15
3,850 Nicaragua11
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 6 - 10:
41,629 Norway10
36,734 Denmark9
32,607 Saudi Arabia9
32,268 Uzbekistan9
54,497 Morocco9
21,487 Afghanistan8
512,203 Thailand7
462,339 Russia7
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Immigrants to US

From Germany

24 years old farmer Caspar Beek who was residing in Switzerland migrated to New York on January 14, 1851 by Rhine put out from Havre. Fr. Beek (31) Farmer, Fidel Beek, aged 24, Heinrich Beek (29) Joiner, Anna Beek, aged 23, 24 years old Aug. Beek, Eva Beek, Johann Beek, Maria Beek, aged 54, Rudolph Beek, aged 6 months old, and 31 other Beek around 60% of whom were farmer while others worked as laborer migrated to US from Hamburg, Antwerp and Bremen.

Beek Namesakes

  • Harmsen van der Beek, Dutch illustrator and commercial artist
  • James Van Der Beek, American actor best
  • Cato Bontjes van Beek, German member of the Resistance against the Nazi regime
  • Rob Van Beek, professional indoor lacrosse player
  • Relus ter Beek, Dutch politician of the Labour Party

Beek Namesakes

  • Harmsen van der Beek, Dutch illustrator and commercial artist
  • James Van Der Beek, American actor best
  • Cato Bontjes van Beek, German member of the Resistance against the Nazi regime
  • Rob Van Beek, professional indoor lacrosse player
  • Relus ter Beek, Dutch politician of the Labour Party

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