Coat is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, England. It is 4 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Coat
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Ireland, England

The surname is the variant of Cotes. A manor in Staffordshire gave name to this family, who are "descended from Richard de Cotes, probably the son of Thomas de Cotes, living in 1167, when the Black Book of the Exchequer was compiled. About the reign of Henry VI the family removed to Woodcote in Shropshire, which has since continued their principal seat, though the more ancient manor of Cotes or 'Kotes,' on the banks of the Sow, has ever remained the property of this ancient house."

Of the wood or forest.

Is a variant form of the Coates. Descendant of one who occupied a cottage and tilled ten acres or less.

Coat is form of the Coate. Descendant of one who occupied a cottage and tilled ten acres or less.

See Cott - A common termination of local surnames, as in Walcott, Caldecott, Norcot, Northcote, Southcote, etc. It appears to be the Anglo-Saxon cóte. Professor Leo observes that, "if selë be the dwelling of the wealthy of landowners, cóte on the other hand indicates the abode of the poorer classe. Cote is the house of an indigent de pendent countryman, who, without any personal estate, holds a transferable tenement in fief. It was originally a house of mud, or of earth, with loam walls." The prefixed word some times indicates the owner's name, and is sometimes descriptive of the situation.

How popular is Coat?

Coat is common in India, France.

Coat is ranked 13923 on our list.

Coat is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in India which signifies its India provenence. Around 40058 people have been found who wears Coat as their family name. Coat is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with ten thousands of Coat:
1,582 India37,448
Countries with thousands of Coat:
3,368 France2,393
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
204,933 United States98
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
55,860 Australia29
82,017 England26
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 6 - 10:
167,054 South Africa8
77,733 Pakistan8
512,203 Thailand7
260,641 Canada6

Coat Namesakes

  • Hapshash and the Coloured Coat, influential British graphic design and avant-garde musical partnership
  • Lucy's Fur Coat, rock band that

Coat Namesakes

  • Hapshash and the Coloured Coat, influential British graphic design and avant-garde musical partnership
  • Lucy's Fur Coat, rock band that

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