Fawcett is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, England. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Fawcett
No. of characters: 7
Origin: Ireland, England

One who came from Fawcett meaning "multicolored hillside," in Westmorland.

Fawcett is a variant form of Faussett. See Fawcett - Probably from Forcett, a township in the wapentake of Gillingwest, N.R. of Yorkshire. Forsyth and Faussett seem to be mere varieties of the same name.

Probably from Forcett, a township in the wapentake of Gillingwest, N.R. of Yorkshire. Forsyth and Faussett seem to be mere varieties of the same name.

Variant of Fawside. Older and more correct forms of Farsyde.

The lastname is form of Fossett. The same as Fawcett and Forsyth - Probably from Forcett, a township in the wapentake of Gillingwest, N.R. of Yorkshire. Forsyth and Faussett seem to be mere varieties of the same name.

How popular is Fawcett?

Fawcett is common in England, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Wales, Ireland.

Fawcett is ranked 19830 on our list.

Despite the fact that the number of Fawcett bearers increased by 3.77 per cent in 2010 US census to 6381 since 2000, the surname slipped by 236 spots and ranked at 5454. The last name was found in around 2 per hundred thousand population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 92.4 94.02
Hispanic or Latino 2.57 1.71
Others 1.44 1.02
Fawcett is quite popular family name mostly used in England while Guernsey is ahead in terms of density. Around 27620 people have been found who wears Fawcett as their family name. Fawcett is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with thousands of Fawcett:
817 England9,730
4,841 United States9,225
1,587 Canada3,493
1,409 Australia2,860
Countries with hundreds of Fawcett:
1,578 New Zealand496
1,773 Scotland390
1,105 Northern Ireland303
25,005 South Africa221
1,881 Wales178
3,460 Ireland101
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
7,028 Colombia96
5,426 Dominican Republic77
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
213,663 Thailand43
41,125 Spain39
14,245 Venezuela33
539 Guernsey29
53,972 Netherlands26
204,848 France22
11,611 Singapore21
177,866 Germany18
30,120 Norway17
6,353 Panama16
311,082 Brazil12
76,064 Zimbabwe11
32,022 Denmark11
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 6 - 10:
73,605 Sweden10
2,003 Jersey10
111,742 Malaysia10
30,726 Qatar9
8,527 Jamaica8
63,315 Switzerland8
3,881 Iceland7
47,869 Japan7
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Immigrants to US

From Ireland

Immigrant Stephen Fawcett from Ireland aboard the Izaac Wright from Liverpool during the Irish famine. He is registered to be 26 years old when he arrived in USA on October 17, 1848. Ann Fawcett, aged 26, Sarah Fawcett (9), Joseph Fawcett, aged 7, John Fawcett, aged 4, John Fawcett, aged 26, Margt. Fawcett, aged 22, Immigrant U Fawcett, Susan Fawcett, aged 21, and 20 other Fawcett around 50% of whom were workman while others worked as servant migrated to US.

Fawcett Namesakes

  • Ruth Fawcett, daughter of British-Canadian physicist Eric Fawcett
  • Theodore Fawcett, early settler in colonial Western Australia
  • Michael Fawcett, former senior valet to Charles
  • Novice Gail Fawcett, 8th President of Ohio State University
  • Robert Fawcett, English artist
  • Joseph Fawcett, 18th-century English Presbyterian minister and poet
  • James Farish Malcolm Fawcett, born c
  • Philippa Fawcett, British mathematician and educationalist
  • Eric Fawcett, professor of physics at the University of Toronto for 23 years
  • Millicent Fawcett, British intellectual, political leader
  • Farrah Fawcett, American actress, model, and artist
  • Brian Fawcett, Canadian writer and cultural analyst
  • Henry Fawcett, British academic, statesman and economist
  • Percy Fawcett, British geographer, artillery officer
  • Norman Fawcett, Canadian politician
  • David Fawcett, Australian politician and Liberal Party of Australia member of the Australian Senate for South Australia since 2011
  • Joan Fawcett, politician in Ontario, Canada
  • Joy Fawcett, retired American professional soccer player
  • Anthony Fawcett, British writer, art critic
  • Edgar Fawcett, American novelist and poet
  • Walter Fawcett, cricketer from Northern Ireland
  • Greg Fawcett, American film and television actor
  • Cesar Fawcett, Colombian football defender
  • Charles Fernley Fawcett, wrestler, resistance worker, soldier, airman

Fawcett Namesakes

  • Ruth Fawcett, daughter of British-Canadian physicist Eric Fawcett
  • Theodore Fawcett, early settler in colonial Western Australia
  • Michael Fawcett, former senior valet to Charles
  • Novice Gail Fawcett, 8th President of Ohio State University
  • Robert Fawcett, English artist
  • Joseph Fawcett, 18th-century English Presbyterian minister and poet
  • James Farish Malcolm Fawcett, born c
  • Philippa Fawcett, British mathematician and educationalist
  • Eric Fawcett, professor of physics at the University of Toronto for 23 years
  • Millicent Fawcett, British intellectual, political leader
  • Farrah Fawcett, American actress, model, and artist
  • Brian Fawcett, Canadian writer and cultural analyst
  • Henry Fawcett, British academic, statesman and economist
  • Percy Fawcett, British geographer, artillery officer
  • Norman Fawcett, Canadian politician
  • David Fawcett, Australian politician and Liberal Party of Australia member of the Australian Senate for South Australia since 2011
  • Joan Fawcett, politician in Ontario, Canada
  • Joy Fawcett, retired American professional soccer player
  • Anthony Fawcett, British writer, art critic
  • Edgar Fawcett, American novelist and poet
  • Walter Fawcett, cricketer from Northern Ireland
  • Greg Fawcett, American film and television actor
  • Cesar Fawcett, Colombian football defender
  • Charles Fernley Fawcett, wrestler, resistance worker, soldier, airman

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