Foli is used as a family name or surname in Italy, Ireland. It is 4 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Foli
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Italy, Ireland

A variation of the Fowles. See Foulis - The ancestor of the baronet was in great favour with king James VI. of Scotland, whom he accompanied into England. The name is probably derived from one of the two parishes of Perthshire now called Fowlis-Easter and Fowlis-Wester, In charters it is latinized De Foliis.

The lastname Foli is variant of the Foulis. The ancestor of the baronet was in great favour with king James VI. of Scotland, whom he accompanied into England. The name is probably derived from one of the two parishes of Perthshire now called Fowlis-Easter and Fowlis-Wester, In charters it is latinized De Foliis.

Variant form of Foley. Collins says that the family have been of ancient standing in county of Worcester and some adjoining counties.

Foli is a variant form of Foley. Grandson of Foghlaidh meaning "plunderer".

Form of Sherry. The son of Searrach meaning "colt, flighty".

Lastname Foli is a variant of the Sherry. Perhaps a corruption of Sheriff, or of Sherwin.

Family name Foli is a variation of Vowles. Antiqauarian Ferguson thinks that this name corresponds with the German and Dutch vogel, a fowl.

A variant of Foulis. Nisbet says that, "the name is from the French word feueles, which signifies leaves; whence these of the name are said to be of a French extract !" In the next breath he tells us that "the lands of Foulis in Angus on the borders of Perth shire belonged of old to those of this name."

How popular is Foli?

Foli is common in Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, South Africa, Italy, United States, Egypt, Denmark, France, Brazil, Solomon Islands.

Foli is ranked 29963 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Folis grew by 34.32 per cent to 227 since 2000 and ranked 82908 after elevating 16306 spots. The last name was found in around 8 per ten million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 73.57 85.21
Black 22.47 10.65
Hispanic or Latino 2.64 0
Foli is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Ghana which signifies its Ghana provenence. Around 17853 people have been found who wears Foli as their family name. Foli is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with ten thousands of Foli:
358 Ghana12,261
Countries with thousands of Foli:
336 Togo2,835
Countries with hundreds of Foli:
22,923 Nigeria395
16,481 South Africa376
27,357 Italy331
81,920 United States318
25,756 Egypt214
3,082 Denmark190
53,985 France184
45,777 Brazil159
775 Solomon Islands104
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
10,886 Ivory Coast81
64,020 DR Congo75
16,557 Benin63
51,923 England52
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
42,948 Belgium28
239,866 Indonesia26
123,675 Canada19
67,608 Cameroon19
301,506 Russia17
63,542 Papua New Guinea16
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 6 - 10:
68,137 Pakistan10
81,846 Netherlands10
684,495 India9
15,938 Lesotho7
20,155 Taiwan7
77,571 Switzerland6
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Immigrants to US

From Italy

Domenico Foli worked as porter and hailed from Salice, Italy. 24 years old embarked for New York from Palermo on Marco Minghetti and arrived on May 15, 1900. Giovanni Foli (21) Laborer, 32 years old Giovanni Foli, Country man Nicodemo Foli, Nicola Foli (46) Country man, 26 years old Ricardo Foli, Rocco Foli, aged 22, Trineo Foli, aged 24, are other Foli that migrated to US from Havre, Naples, Genoa, Gibraltar & Naples and Rotterdam.

From Germany

Stilia Foli from London, Germany aboard the Etruria from Liverpool on April 25, 1887. She is registered to be 9 years old when she arrived in England. Servant U-Mrs Foli, 32 years old Lazzaro Foli, Maria Foli, aged 42, are other Foli that migrated to US.

Foli Namesakes

  • Tim Foli, American former professional baseball player

Foli Namesakes

  • Tim Foli, American former professional baseball player

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