Gosson is used as a family name or surname in France. It is 6 characters long in length.
The surname Gosson is the variation of Gosland. See Goose - "The nobility of the goose is not so obvious as that of the swan. Yet it was in ancient and honourable use as a man's name. Genseric, the name of the great Vandal chief, is referred by Grimm to gänserich, a gander. But it was no doubt the wild goose that gave the name; and if we consider, we shall see that this bird has some qualities calculated to command the respect of those early roving tribes. A powerful bird, strong on the wing, taking long flights to distant lands, marshalled with the most beautiful discipline of instinct, it formed no inapt emblem of those migratory plunderers who renewed their unwelcome visitations with each succeeding spring." The name Goose is not unusual in East Anglia, and Gosland, Gosnell, Goslee, local surnames, appear to be from this source, as well, perhaps, as Goss, Anglo-Saxon Le Gos is the Hundred Rolls form.
Is the variation of the Gosselin. Descendant of Goselin or Jocelin meaning "just".
The family name is a variant of Goslin. See Gosling - From the Anglo-Norman Christian name Joscelyn, or Goceline. Fil'Gocelini, Goscelin, Gosselin, and several other forms are found in the Hundred Rolls The assimilation of the name to that of a young goose by the addition of the g final is of modern date. Similar instances of the hardening of the soft g or j are observable in the Norman dialect. Thus jambe and gerbe are made gambe and guerbe.
The form of Gosselin. A family of Norman origin who have long resided in Guernsey. They claim descent from Robert Gosselin, who for eminent services in the rescue of Mont Orgueil from the French in 1339, is said to have been made governor of that fortress, and to have received from Edward III. a grant of the arms now borne by his descendants. B.L.G. The name is identical with Joscelyn.
Surname Gosson is variant of the Josland. Corruptions of the personal name Joscelyne.
How popular is Gosson?
As per 2010 US census, number of Gossons plummeted by 6.05 per cent to 295 since 2000 and slipped by 6848 spots and ranked at 66931. The last name was found in around 1 per million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.
Race | 2010 | 2000 |
White | 92.88 | 92.36 |
Black | 5.42 | 5.73 |
Immigrants to US
From Ireland
Immigrant Arthur Gosson from Ireland aboard the Atlas from Liverpool during the Irish famine. He is registered to be 26 years old when he arrived in USA on November 8, 1848. 24 years old Margaret Gosson, Peggy Gosson, aged 2, 40 years old Thomas Gosson, Dressmaker Anna Gosson, 18 years old James Gosson, are other Gosson that migrated to US.
From Germany
Laborer Andrea Gosson from Germany aboard the Denmark from Havre & London. He is registered to be 57 years old when he arrived in United States on November 8, 1872. Laborer Andreas Gosson, 21 years old Franz Gosson, Laborer Johann Gosson, Maria Gosson, aged 52, Vincenzo Gosson (10), are others that migrated to US.
Gosson Namesakes
- Stephen Gosson, English satirist
Gosson Namesakes
- Stephen Gosson, English satirist