Matijevic is used as a family name or surname in Serbia. It is 9 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Matijevic
No. of characters: 9
Origin: Serbia
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Matijevic

How popular is Matijevic?

Matijevic is common in Serbia.

Matijevic is ranked 52136 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Matijevics grew by 31.54762 per cent to 221 since 2000 and ranked 84748 after elevating 14977 spots. The last name was found in around 1 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 94.12 94.64
Hispanic or Latino 4.07 0
Matijevic is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Croatia which signifies that it is originated from Croatia. Around 9054 people have been found who wears Matijevic as their family name. Matijevic is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
4,744 Macedonia2
147,165 Czech Republic2
50,640 Switzerland2
124,220 Italy2
897,276 Russia1
810,193 Indonesia1
23,434 Burkina Faso1
83,428 United Arab Emirates1
38,841 Scotland1
17,575 Kuwait1
199,150 Kazakhstan1
531 Greenland1
1,704,541 India1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
33,012 Belgium45
42,407 Sweden22
69,202 Netherlands18
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
117,149 France73
60,099 England59
Countries with hundreds of Matijevic:
842 Bosnia795
17,127 Germany605
1,183 Slovenia339
469 Montenegro237
106,730 United States208
14,163 Australia191
9,948 Austria131
29,230 Canada115
Countries with thousands of Matijevic:
68 Croatia3,730
384 Serbia2,469
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Matijevic Namesakes

  • Egon Matijevic, Author
  • Miljenko Matijevic, Singer
  • Sarita Matijević, Film producer
  • Jula Matijević, Vladimir Matijević's mother

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