Matovic is used as a family name or surname in Bosnia. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Matovic
No. of characters: 7
Origin: Bosnia
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Matovic

How popular is Matovic?

Matovic is common in Bosnia.

Matovic is ranked 64261 on our list.

Matovic is quite popular family name mostly used in Serbia while Montenegro is ahead in terms of density. Around 7105 people have been found who wears Matovic as their family name. Matovic is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
541,660 Russia8
88,966 Czech Republic7
91,784 Netherlands2
35,969 Denmark2
2,374 Bermuda1
16,228 Bulgaria1
20,172 Hungary1
16,283 Lithuania1
83,428 United Arab Emirates1
492,292 Ukraine1
6,967 Macedonia1
38,841 Scotland1
36,678 Singapore1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
43,731 Australia46
95,259 Italy45
36,547 Switzerland27
42,407 Sweden22
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
104,308 France86
37,909 Canada85
56,298 England65
Countries with hundreds of Matovic:
260 Montenegro421
6,872 Austria183
6,726 Slovakia155
5,341 Croatia155
71,225 Germany134
3,577 Slovenia119
181,967 United States105
Countries with thousands of Matovic:
240 Serbia4,263
515 Bosnia1,166
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Matovic Namesakes

  • Igor Matovič, Slovak Politician
  • Dušan Matović, Soccer player
  • Ivana Matović, Basketball Player
  • Darjan Matović, Soccer player
  • Pavlína Matovičová, Igor Matovič's wife
  • Vera Matović, Singer
  • Vera Matović, Singer
  • Nevena Matović, Film director
  • Vera Matović, Singer
  • Vuk Matovic, Olympic athlete

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