Pohl is used as a family name or surname in Germany, France. It is 4 characters long in length.
Lastname is a variant form of the Polan. Dweller at the homestead on which there was a pool, or through which a stream flowed; one who made and sold the long pointed shoes worn in the fourteenth century.
The man who lived at, or near, the pool.
Form of the Piehl. Dweller at, or near, a hill.
How popular is Pohl?
Pohl is common in Germany, United States, Austria, Poland, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Czechia, France, Argentina, Hungary, Australia, Sweden, England, Switzerland, Chile, Italy, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands.
Pohl is ranked 6654 on our list.
Despite the fact that the number of Pohl bearers increased by 1.23 per cent in 2010 US census to 6485 since 2000, the surname slipped by 342 spots and ranked at 5369. The last name was found in around 2 per hundred thousand population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.
Race | 2010 | 2000 |
White | 90.16 | 91.34 |
Hispanic or Latino | 6.94 | 6.01 |
Others | 1.37 | 1.23 |
Asian and Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander | 0.93 | 0.73 |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 0.37 | 0.36 |
Black | 0.23 | 0.33 |

Immigrants to US
From Ireland
During the great famine, 23 years old immigrant Anthy. Pohl who was residing in Great Britain migrated to USA on August 22, 1849 by Elsinor put out from Liverpool. Betty Pohl (25) Immigrant, are other Pohl that migrated to US.
From Germany
Johann Pohl was 30 years old when he migrated to USA on July 30, 1850. He lived in Germany where he worked as farmer and took Virginia from Antwerp. Farmer Catharina Pohl, Heinrich Pohl, aged 41, Farmer Margaretha Pohl, Farmer J.D. Pohl, Joh. Pohl, aged 34, Adalbert Pohl, aged 31, 19 years old Heinriette Pohl, Johann Pohl, aged 24, and 717 other Pohl around 35.48% of whom were farmer while others worked as tailor and joiner, miller, musician, farmer and mechanic, servant, blacksmith, undefined code, smith, weaver, laborer, shoemaker, master, clerk, brewer, cloth manufacturer, locksmith, merchant, butcher, carpenter, daughter, stone cutter, mason, miner, painter, landlord, cook, waiter, tourist, baker migrated to US.
Pohl Namesakes
- Richard Pohl, German music critic, writer, poet
- Franz Pohl, schizophrenic outsider artist and one of the "schizophrenic masters" profiled by Hans Prinzhorn
- Frederick J. Pohl, prolific playwright, literary critic
- Ernest Pohl, a
- Robert Pohl, German physicist at the University of Göttingen
- Hans-Peter Pohl, former German nordic combined skier
- Walter Pohl, Austrian historian
- Johann Baptist Emanuel Pohl, Austrian botanist, entomologist, geologist
- Louis Pohl, American painter, illustrator, art teacher
- Frederik Pohl, Frederik George Pohl Jr
- Oswald Pohl, German SS functionary during the Nazi era
- Peter Pohl, Swedish author and former director and screenwriter of short films
- Hugo von Pohl, German admiral
- Shannon Pohl, badminton player from the United States
- John Pohl, American former professional ice hockey center
- Dan Pohl, American professional golfer
- Leonhard Pohl, German athlete
Pohl Namesakes
- Richard Pohl, German music critic, writer, poet
- Franz Pohl, schizophrenic outsider artist and one of the "schizophrenic masters" profiled by Hans Prinzhorn
- Frederick J. Pohl, prolific playwright, literary critic
- Ernest Pohl, a
- Robert Pohl, German physicist at the University of Göttingen
- Hans-Peter Pohl, former German nordic combined skier
- Walter Pohl, Austrian historian
- Johann Baptist Emanuel Pohl, Austrian botanist, entomologist, geologist
- Louis Pohl, American painter, illustrator, art teacher
- Frederik Pohl, Frederik George Pohl Jr
- Oswald Pohl, German SS functionary during the Nazi era
- Peter Pohl, Swedish author and former director and screenwriter of short films
- Hugo von Pohl, German admiral
- Shannon Pohl, badminton player from the United States
- John Pohl, American former professional ice hockey center
- Dan Pohl, American professional golfer
- Leonhard Pohl, German athlete