Räd is used as a family name or surname in Germany. It is 4 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Räd
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Germany

Lastname is a variant of Rademaker. Wheelwright.

How popular is Räd?

Räd is common in Iran, Romania, United States, Iraq, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Morocco, Jordan, India, Spain, Australia, Ghana, Canada, France, Syria, Malaysia, Germany, England, Palestine, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Sweden, Argentina, Indonesia.

Räd is ranked 18755 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Rads grew by 24.64 per cent to 855 since 2000 and ranked 28023 after elevating 3794 spots. The last name was found in around 3 per million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 71.46 67.78
Others 12.28 12.1
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
8.89 15.6
Hispanic or Latino 5.85 4.23
Rad is quite popular family name mostly used in Iran however Romania lie ahead in terms of density. Around 29401 person has been found who wears Rad as their family name. Rad is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with ten thousands of Räd:
875 Iran12,197
Countries with thousands of Räd:
435 Romania6,221
21,478 United States1,635
Countries with hundreds of Räd:
1,668 Iraq922
6,734 Bangladesh811
8,696 Ukraine737
10,096 Egypt732
6,100 Saudi Arabia716
7,180 Pakistan483
17,469 Morocco341
3,556 Jordan332
76,269 India328
11,148 Spain310
10,632 Australia290
9,187 Ghana277
14,918 Canada253
45,363 France224
3,312 Syria204
9,695 Malaysia189
38,889 Germany186
23,159 England182
4,130 Palestine143
8,441 Yemen135
7,015 United Arab Emirates119
90,032 Russia116
6,261 Sweden116
28,832 Argentina115
82,627 Indonesia114
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
45,306 Poland87
3,432 Bahrain73
102,735 Brazil58
7,566 Kuwait58
179,534 Thailand57
21,504 Austria52
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
60,638 Turkey49
11,225 Venezuela47
4,074 Taiwan43
10,441 Colombia35
47,398 Netherlands34
20,092 Norway31
10,128 Afghanistan29
14,268 Serbia27
17,438 Denmark26
32,401 Hungary19
34,739 Israel19
100,309 Italy19
16,023 Qatar16
63,354 Belgium15
18,211 Singapore13
6,752 Tunisia12
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 6 - 10:
20,332 Scotland10
8,933 China8
4,361 Senegal8
9,305 Armenia6
8,345 Cuba6
19,750 Georgia6
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Immigrants to US

From Germany

Carolina Rad was 14 years old when she migrated to USA on November 29, 1852. She lived in Untergriesten, Germany and took Bessel from Rotterdam. Gustav Rad, aged 17, Frazis Rad, 23 years old Louise Rad, Niles Rad, aged 32, Christine Rad, Friedrika Rad (39) Farmer, Friedrike Rad (16) Farmer, 5 years old Gustav Rad, Heinr. Rad, aged 38, are other Rad that migrated to US from Havre, Rotterdam, Bremen and Liverpool.

Räd Namesakes

  • Gerhard von Rad, German theologian, academic
  • Saeed Rad, Iranian actor and playwright
  • Iraj Rad, Iranian actor

Räd Namesakes

  • Gerhard von Rad, German theologian, academic
  • Saeed Rad, Iranian actor and playwright
  • Iraj Rad, Iranian actor

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