Debro is used as a family name or surname in many languages. It is 5 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Debro
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Unknown
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Debro
How popular is Debro?
Debro is ranked 558525 on our list.
As per 2010 US census, number of Debros grew by 16.09907 per cent to 375 since 2000 and ranked 54864 after elevating 3828 spots. The last name was found in around 1 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.
Race | 2010 | 2000 |
Black | 77.87 | 77.71 |
White | 14.93 | 17.03 |
Others | 5.87 | 4.02 |
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
240,218 Canada7
615,517 Russia6
214,847 Australia4
70,383 Tanzania3
77,122 Sweden1
492,292 Ukraine1
38,830 Morocco1
199,150 Kazakhstan1
25,721 Egypt1
19,810 Croatia1
151,601 Spain1
91,024 Belgium1
Countries with hundreds of Debro:
66,626 United States374
Debro Namesakes
- Bibek Debroy, Economist
- Basile Debroux, Actor
- Chanel Debrouex, Actor
- Bibek Debroy, Economist
- Keisha Debro, Actress
- Keisha Debro, Actress
- Kiersten DeBrower, Actress
- Miky Debrouya, Musical Artist
- Bibek Debroy, Economist
- Sander Debroux, Soccer player
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You might not know the meaning of Debro surname. We have collected informaton regarding the meaning and origin of Debro and displayed for better understanding of surnames. Discover how Debro is originated?