A surname, last name or family name is that part of full name with which people are distinguished. Last name can be originated from place names or from a first name with a prefix added to it or the occupation one does. Even physical characterstics like hair color may lead to origin of a surname.

Do you know what your last name mean? Don't worry if you are unaware of the history behind your surname. We're here to help. Let's get started by searching the surname!

Search the last name

Think you know everything there is to know about your last name? Think again! Even if you’re familiar with the meaning and origin of your surname, there’s probably more to its story than you realize.

There are numerous resources available like this website, Surnameslist.org to help you research your surname. Start by talking to older family members to see if they know anything about the name. If not, search for the last name on our website or visit your local library. Once you’ve gathered some information, take some time to reflect on what it all means to you.

Browse last names by letters

You can also browse the family names by letter on our website.


Last Names around the world

Afghans Algerian Albanian Angolan Argentines Australian Austrian Azerbaijani Bangladeshi Belarusian Belgian Benin Bolivian Bosniak Brazilian British Bulgarian Burkinab Cambodian Cameroonian Canadian Chilean Chinese Colombian Croatian Czech Congolese Danish Dominican Republic Ecuadorian Egyptian Ethiopian Finn French Georgian German Ghanaian Greek Guatemalan Hungarian Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Irish Israeli Italian Ivorian Japanese Kazakh Kenyan Latvian Lebanese Lithuanian Macedonian Malaysian Mexican Moroccan Mozambican Nepali Netherland Nigerian Norwegian Pakistani Peruvian Filipino Polish Portugese Romanian Russian Saudi Arabian Serbian Slovak Slovenes South African Spanish Sri Lankan Swedish Swiss Syrian Tanzanian Tunisian Turkish Ugandan Ukrainian US-American Uzbek Venezuelan Vietnamese Zambian Zimbabwean

Why you should know about your last name?

The 21st century has seen a lot of changes in the way that people live their lives. One of the most notable changes is the way that people are choosing to use and change their surnames. There are a number of reasons why tracking the surnames is important.

Firstly, it can help us to understand how last names are changing over time. This is important because last names are often passed down from one generation to the next, so understanding how they are changing can give us insights into the changing patterns of family life.

Secondly, knwoing surnames can help us to understand the history of families and where they came from. This is important because it can help us to trace our own family histories and learn more about our ancestors.

Finally, tracking the meaning of surnames can help us to understand the social and cultural significance of last names. This is important because last names often carry a lot of meaning and can be useSidebard as a way to identity ourselves and our families.

Therefore, the meaning of surnames is an important task in the 21st century. It can help us to understand how families are changing and evolving over time, and it can also help us to learn more about our own family histories.